
You may be a great business owner, entrepreneur or marketer.

You know how to provide your customers with value and help them reach their goals.

However, if you’re like most of the business owners, entrepreneurs and marketers we've worked with your challenge is getting more customers.

And most importantly, how can you attract customers on a predictable and consistent basis.

OK, let's continue...

Many business owners, entrepreneurs and marketers find that referrals help them to get their first few clients.

But referrals from your network don’t always last.

In fact, the most successful business owners, entrepreneurs and marketers don’t rely on referrals. They don’t ‘rely’ on anything. They take action.

They master their marketing and sales. They build a system that predictably drives new leads and ideal clients.

This isn't a one-off campaign. It’s a system that once planned and built (the RIGHT way) becomes one of their highest points of leverage in their business.

It’s what drives the growth of their business and makes it so profitable and sustainable.

With our experience in at least 5 countries, we have created the system - a Online Customer Acquisition System that works for any business to consistently drives traffic to your site, converts site visitors to customers and retains more customers as well as increase customer retention.

If you are interested in getting more customers, maximizing lifetime-customer-value and growing your business, then this may very well be your lucky day and the most important action you need to take today!

What is the Online Customer Acquisition System?

Step 1:  Drive Highly Quality Targeted Traffic - Drive only interested ready to buy people to your Landing page from search engine, online advertising and social media channels.

Step 2: Converting your Site Visitors - Use a landing page to convert your website visitors to sales leads or customers. Increasing website conversions sets you on a path for dominating your market.

Step 3: Nurture your Sales Lead and Customers - Nurture your converted sales leads and customers to build strong relationship and trust which in return drives new, returning and referral customers.

Why this system?

Simply because only 1-3% of your first time website visitors do convert to customers (a lot of website convert zero). Your website is there for a reason to generate leads or customers for you.

Most of your first time website visitor exit your website and forget about you that very moment.

In marketing, a prospect needs to engage with your brand more than 3 -5 times before they trust your brand. I am sure you do not buy from someone you do not trust.

Well, the solution is to focus on converting most of your site visitors into leads and then nurture them to build trust and they will convert to customers.


A. Example of a standard campaign (without Our Online Customer Acquisition System):

1. Unique website visitors: 1,000
2. Conversion rate (percentage of people that buy): 0.5%
3. Price: ₦50,000
4. Number of sales: 5
5. Total revenue: ₦250,000
Total Sales = ₦250,000

Here you can see the numbers based on 0.5% conversion rate.

Sadly, most sites convert worse than 0.5%. In fact, MOST sites don’t convert at all.

If you look at any successful business online/offline, they have a powerful sales process that turns visitors into customers AND turns customers into repeat customers.

Now let us show you what an optimized digital marketing campaign with our Online Customer Acquisition System looks like and break down the impact this can have in your

B. Example of an optimized marketing campaign (with Our Online Customer Acquisition System).

Unique Visitors — 1,000

Sales Lead (enquires) Conversion — 35% [350 Sales Lead (Enquires)]

You get higher conversion and get to build a nurturing list of interested people that you now need to nurture and you start making money.

Persuasive Nurturing #1 — ₦50,000/sale [You make 1 sales = ₦50,000]
Persuasive Nurturing #2 — ₦50,000/sale [You make 3 sales = ₦150,000]
Persuasive Nurturing #3 — ₦50,000/sale [You make 5 sales = ₦250,000]
Persuasive Nurturing #4 — ₦50,000/sale [You make 8 sales = ₦400,000]
Persuasive Nurturing #5 — ₦50,000/sale [You make 10 sales = ₦500,000]

If you want, you can also down-sell, upsell, and cross-sell – you can do all the selling you need to be profitable to your nurturing list of interested people in your business.

Downsell #1 — ₦30,000/sale [You make 4 sales = ₦120,000]
Upsell #2 — ₦60,000/sale [You make 5 sales = ₦300,000]

Total Sales = ₦1,770,000

Using our optimized funnel (according to the 3 Step Sales Process we teach), which increases your revenues and customer lifetime value.

You can continue to maximise your profit every month by using this steps to make your returns compounding.

Out of your 350 interested people in your nurturing list, some will convert the following month and this add up to the new set of interested people you will get from your site and
that will convert into sales.

As you can see, the difference is significant…

1. Standard marketing campaign - ₦250,000.00 revenue
2. Optimized marketing campaign - ₦1,770,000 revenue

Q) Would you like to make over ₦1,700,000 from every 1,000 visitors you get?

A) We can help you make that happen.

You could get over a billion impressions on your ads by tomorrow morning, but if your sales process doesn't convert, you’ll make zero money.


With this methodology, you will be able to get an off-the-chart ROI (return on investment).

You’ll also build a tremendous amount of goodwill in your market and sell without any high-pressure
sales tactics.

Let me share my story with you:

When you’re growing a business, an increase in sales lead directly increase your sales and traffic.

Unfortunately, I didn’t realize this on time.

When I moved back to Nigeria and started my website business (I do not develop website again), I use to do
the following:
Drive from one office to the other dropping proposals and hoping to see the manager in charge. Absolute waste of my time then, not even one conversion.
Got tired of driving around, so I started printing out a lots of proposal and send it out through DHL to companies at a time. High Cost and Little or no result
Then, I thought I should spend more money in branding my brochure, maybe this will help but then I realized that won’t necessarily attract more customers or make more money.
I know right, it is quite foolish of me (I was also digital marketer then).

I was lucky at that time, because I was enjoying referrals. Then, for 3 months I had no referral, meaning no money. So, I had to change my strategy.

I realized 2 things:

Maybe all the offices I went to and all the letters I sent got to the wrong people or they were not even looking for my service in the first place.

And if the right person got it and they are looking for my service then, they need to build some trust with my company in order to do business with me.

Nobody, does business with people they do not trust. If my company was popular maybe they would have given me a chance.

I learnt that marketing yields more result when people that need you find you and that when they find you, they need to build trust with you.

The game change: Stop looking for customers, let them find you.

Here is exactly what I did:

I optimized my website to get found on search engine. If you go on Google and search “Digital Marketing in Lagos”, "Digital Marketing Training" or anything digital marketing my website will come up.

It became important for me to only get found by people that was looking for me. I would be wasting a lot of my time and money, trying to attract people that don’t need my service in the first place.


Because I knew, I needed to build a relationship that will lead to trust, when you visit my website I will do everything to get your email.

Then build the relationship with you via email nurturing (LOL, that what I am doing now).

For me to get your email, I will offer you something you can’t resist. We call it the lead magnet.

Well, I can’t build a relationship with you if I am always asking and not giving. So, I give a lot of my knowledge in exchange of your trust (I hope I earn your trust).

These 2 things changed my business, I had more time and was making sales. I realised how important email sign up was. I knew if I could double my daily signups, then I could double my revenue as well.

So I found out that on LinkedIn, you can find your exact target audience/person and extract his/her email and nurture them to conversion. The result here is awesome.

I also run paid lead generation campaigns, where I drive targeted paid traffic to a landing page to get their emails for nurturing to conversion.

Tomorrow, I will tell you exactly what you should do first, before you start promoting your business or start making money online.

Make sure you do not miss the lesson, it will change your business and if you are thinking of starting a business then you better not miss it.