According to the dictionary, “entrepreneur” is a term applied to a person who is willing to launch a new venture or enterprise and accept full responsibility for the outcome. What the hell does that mean?  We all start things and accept responsibility for the outcomes, unless of course we don’t because we expect handouts if things don’t work out.
As far as I can tell, many of us want to be entrepreneurs because it sounds so sexy. We dream of starting the next multi-million dollar company, get recognized by Entrepreneur Magazine, and earn a fortune in the process.  Yet, this type of success is unlikely for many of us.  We don’t have a great business plan, we run out of capital, we don’t have charisma, and we lack the perseverance to keep on going.
I really want you guys to be careful when following the advice of an online entrepreneur who shows no transparency. There is a reason for such opaqueness. The reason is because they are making a laughably minuscule amount of income. You know what I’m talking about. The guy who makes $30,000 a year by teaching you how to sell something to make $100,000 a year. If you can trick enough people to subscribe or pay, you will get there!
If you’ve actually built something from nothing and depend on the venture as your main source of income, then I say you are a real entrepreneur. However, there’s one tiny thing that is important to point out. If you aren’t making any money and heaven forbid, lose a lot of money over the years, maybe you aren’t a real entrepreneur?
All of us can do absolutely nothing and make no money, hence you are no different from any of us who do nothing!  In fact, if you are a loss making entrepreneur for an extended period of time you might be much worse than anybody who does nothing! Oh, I can feel the annoyance of this fine logic now.
It’s easy to look down upon the 9-to-5 community as an entrepreneur because in their eyes, 9-to-5ers don’t take enough risks. Sometimes, they forget that 9-to-5ers might like a steady paycheck, health care, and security.  Perhaps one is taking plenty of risks with their career within their organization?  That doesn’t matter to the entrepreneur, because anything other than complete risk-taking is frowned upon. That’ OK with me. What we need to understand is that it’s very difficult to become a successful, real entrepreneur. Hence, let them vent their frustration.
The hurdle is $46,000 in New York, but only $30,000 in Mississippi. If you live outside of America, use the per capital income of your country as a benchmark. Seriously, this is the bare minimum of what can be considered an entrepreneur, especially given all the taxes, healthcare benefits and other expenses you must provide for.
You can be an entrepreneur in the making, but after at most 3 years, if you are not making the average per capital income of your state, you may want to give up and get a day job. And while working at your day job, if you still have the entrepreneurial itch, do both! I always recommend people at least start their blog on the side while working to see if they can gain any traction.
You aren’t doing your future any favors by spinning your wheels and keeping a failed business alive for a prolonged period of time.  So many of us online think we’re entrepreneurs. In reality, we’re just hobbyists doing things on the side and collecting an allowance.


Brand yourself online, connect with like-minded people, find new consulting gigs, and potentially make a good amount of income online one day by selling your product or recommending other great products. Not a day goes by where I’m not thankful for starting Real Entrepreneur blog in 2018.
Perhaps one of the biggest problems we have is that we think in an “all or nothing mentality“.  If we don’t have instant, incredible success we call ourselves a failure. On the flip side, there are many online entrepreneurs who claim they are killing it, and that you too can make a fortune online if you just buy their eBook. I love that circular pitch of selling information products that teach you how to sell information products so you can make money online.  It’s brilliant, because people keep buying it, otherwise there wouldn’t be these types of products flooding the market if people didn’t.
Making money off of the minimalist movement is particularly peculiar. Can you believe that people actually pay money to buy a product on how to lead a minimalist lifestyle? Seriously, just sell all your belongings, live as sparsely as possible, and you are a minimalist! Online entrepreneurship is great, but without transparency of income and expenses, it’s hard to take anybody seriously.
Many of us are all entrepreneurs based on the official definition of the word.  Yet, how many of us are “real entrepreneurs”? Some say being an entrepreneur is a state of mind.  An entrepreneur has conquered insecurity and plans to stick it to the man. That’s nice.   Whenever you have someone who thinks their way is superior, you know there’s a problem.
There’s too much cream puff fluff.  I don’t consider anybody a real entrepreneur if they cannot make the average per capital income of their state within 3 years.  That’s right. If you live in California and make less than $42,000 a year from your entrepreneurial activities, you aren’t a real entrepreneur.
Start your own business: If you feel you’re not getting paid what you’re worth and want to boost your income, start your own business online on the side! It used to cost a fortune and a lot of employees to start your business. Now you can start it for next to nothing with a hosting company like Bluehost for under $3/month and they’ll give you a free domain for a year to boot. Here’s my step-by-step tutorial on how you can start a website like mine in under 30 minutes. What used to cost a fortune and take an eternity is now so easy!